====== Státní magisterská zkouška v programu Informatika, obor Embedded Systems N-IN EMBA ====== - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:1-emba|Soft and hard real time systems. Real time scheduling: scheduling for periodic tasks, priority-driven scheduling, resource access control. Algorithms: Earliest deadline first, rate monotonic, deadline monotonic. Priority inversion problem.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:2-emba|Modeling and verification of real time systems. Formal verification, model checking. Timed automata, timed logics. Algorithms for verification of timed automata.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:3-emba|Real time and concurrent programming. Synchronization, communication. Real time operating systems. Real time communication protocols. Real time support in programming languages, POSIX.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:4-emba|Formal models of infinite-state systems (process algebras, Petri nets, rewrite systems, automata), their expressive power and decidability of basic behavioral equivalences.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:5-emba|Model checking of finite systems and Linear Temporal Logic (LTL): basic symbolic and explicit algorithms, their complexity.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:6-emba|Specific techniques for verification of software systems: abstract interpretation, abstraction and approximation, partial order reduction, CEGAR method (counter-example quided abstraction refinement).]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:7-emba|Embedded systems building blocks - microcontroller, CPU, I/O ports, interrupts, timers/counters, watchdog timer, PWM, ADC, UART, SPI, I2C, power save modes, memories (FLASH, EEPROM, SRAM).]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:8-emba|Programming embedded systems in C and C++. Real-time issues, hardware fundamentals, interrupts and ISRs, memory management, handling peripherals, error handling, communications interfacing, troubleshooting and debugging issues.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:9-emba|Design and development of embedded systems. Safety, dependability and diagnostics of embedded systems. Worst case design and fault injection. Performance of the embedded systems hardware and software.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:10-emba|Methods of the combinational circuits design. Analyses of the submission, algebraic, logical, graphics and algorithmic minimization methods, optimization based on the maximum operational frequency, minimum components or on the testability. Comparators, arithmetical circuits, multiplexers, demultiplexers, coders and decoders. Typical disturbing phenomenon - babble crosstalk, jamming, reflections of the electromagnetic impulses and impedance matching.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:11-emba|Methods of the sequence circuits design. Analyses of the submission, techniques of a solution (state diagram, state table, application table), state coding and its influence of the design, sequence automata and sequential machines. Design of flip-flops, registers, counters, sequencers and controllers.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:12-emba|Programmable Array Logics, its layout and fundamental nature. Design tools, design systems and design methods for assembling of embedded systems. Small, middle and large scale integrated programmable components and their exemplary applications.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:13-emba|Typical hardware of FPGA - embedded multipliers, PPC, ROM, RAM, PLL, NIOS, IP COREs and another modules. Implementation, simulation, testing and debugging of basic modules.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:14-emba|Structure of digital systems, basic architecture of digital computers, I/O subsystems, interfaces, coding of numbers and characters, BCD codes, redundant codes, safety codes, implementation arithmetic and arithmetic operations, essentials of signal processing, digital signal processors, model driven architecture.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:15-emba|Typical architectures of single-chip controllers, DMA, interrupt systems, buses structures, internal and external buses, internal and external support circuits, I/O subsystems, A/D and D/A converters.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:16-emba|Structures and operation principle of I/O devices, drivers and control of I/O devices, reliability control and testing of I/O device.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:17-emba|Modeling of digital systems and digital circuits, modeling of digital systems reliability, structure redundancy, control and digital systems reliability.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:18-emba|Design of fault tolerant systems, checking and testing of digital systems, checking circuits and checking module of digital systems, structures and principles of control configuration and degradation functionality of digital systems.]] - [[mgr-szz:in-emba:19-emba|Technical diagnostics, fault diagnostic of digital circuits, testability of digital circuits, simulation and test methodologies for digital circuits design, digital system testing and lightly testable design.]]